Curious about nature’s hidden beauty secret? Meet cattle tallow, the natural ingredient that deserves a place in your skincare. Not only is it rich in nutrients, but it is also an ancient treasure that has delighted the skin of generations.

What is cattle tallow and why use tallow in your skincare?

Let’s explore cattle tallow – an ingredient that sounds more like a kitchen product than something you’d smear on your face. But before you squirm in disgust, let’s uncover the truth about this incredible ingredient. Rich in vitamins and minerals, cattle tallow is a moisturizing master that can transform dry, lifeless skin into a radiant and hydrated dream.

Cow with beef tallow

What can fat from grass-fed beef do to your skin?

There’s no magic to how big sales transform your skincare. This has properties that can help soothe inflamed skin, fight acne and even reduce the signs of aging. Think of big fat sales as your skincare superhero, ready to save the day (or in this case, your skin).

How to get cream of cattle tallow?

Integrating big fat sales into your daily skincare routine may seem challenging, but fear not. Whether it’s through store-bought products enriched with supermarket sales or homemade creams based on your own preferences, the possibilities are endless. And yes, we’re sharing our favorite DIY recipes to give you a kick-start.

How to make cream from beef tallow?

It’s easier than you think to make yourself. The process takes some time for good results, but most of it is self-explanatory. If you have a slowcocker/crockpot, it’s even easier. Look here for the complete recipe.

Does it have to be from grass-fed beef?

According to this study on the difference between grass-fed cattle and grain-fed c attle, there are significantly more vitamins and several times higher concentration of omega 3 in grass-fed cattle versus grain-fed cattle. Therefore, it is crucial for fast results that the tallow is from grass-fed animals.

3 reasons why you should try sebum in skincare

1. Sebum is loaded with skin-loving nutrients

Tallow contains high levels of vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as antioxidants and essential fatty acids (like CLA) that are not common in modern skincare (uh duh…most modern skincare products don’t even contain REAL ingredients).

The benefits of these vitamins:

  • Vitamin A: accelerates the wound healing process (think quick repair of cuts and blisters), is involved in the production of new cells, and can help with the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin (just to name a few).
  • Vitamin D: strong anti-inflammatory properties, helps improve cell renewal, can prevent skin damage from aging (again, just to name a few).
  • Vitamin E: a highly important fat-soluble antioxidant, helps protect skin from UV damage, soothes irritated skin.
  • CLA : Conjugated linoleic acid, also known as CLA, is an essential fatty acid responsible for the flow of moisture in and out of our cells. When we don’t have enough of it, our skin won’t stay hydrated.

2. Sebum is Gentle Enough for All Skin Types

Tallow is thick enough to handle calloused, rough patches of skin, gentle enough for baby bumps, and light enough to absorb into any skin type.

It’s non-irritating, 100% natural, and very soothing.

It’s rated 0 on the comedogenic scale (a fancy way of saying it doesn’t clog pores) and absorbs super quickly and deeply.

It can be used to soothe irritated skin, hydrate extremely dry skin, and even help balance oil production in oily or acne-prone skin.

3. Tallow Smells Great

Tallow actually has a lovely smell (if properly treated).

Although very faint, it has a warm, rich smell that is strangely familiar. I think because our ancestors used it so often, our sense of smell naturally remembers it!

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