What is a zero-carb diet? Well, it’s simple – it’s eliminating all foods that contain carbohydrates from your diet. Does that sound radical? Maybe, but for me it has become a lifestyle that has transformed my health and energy levels in an incredible way.

Before you dive into zero carbs, I recommend that you first start with a keto diet or low-carb diet guide.

Not salad and strange looks

The waiter stared at me with confused eyes when I ordered a double Entrecôte – without side dishes in Split, Croatia. Not even a small salad on the side. Only meat with salt on it. It was one of the many times I got strange looks, but I’ve gotten used to it. Because I’ve made a choice to eliminate carbs from my diet, even on vacation.

Before I went to Split, I was excited. How would you manage to stick to zero carbson a vacation? Would there be tempting local dishes that would blow me away? Would I be able to enjoy my vacation without feeling like I was missing out? I was full of expectations, but also a little excited. But I was determined to stick to my principles and I was ready for the challenge.

Started intermittent fasting for 24 hours plus

The travel day was planned as a fasting day. This made the journey considerably less stressful as I had plenty of time to orient myself without having to think about what food to eat.

I wouldn’t have done my weekly 24 hour plus fast anyway. This gave me a good starting point with my stomach and intestines in balance.

What I ate


At the Radisson Blue in Split, I started each day with the hotel breakfast. I have to say, I was excited about what they had to offer. To my delight, they had boiled eggs, bacon, and smoked salmon. Simple but hearty – perfect for my carb-free diet.

Grease brought in

I brought my own ghee. Ghee, also known as clarified butter, is a type of butter that has been cooked to remove water and milk solids, leaving only the pure, golden butter oil. Not only is it delicious, but it’s also carb-free and adds a fantastic flavor to your food.

Sardines from Norway

In addition to breakfast, I brought a packet of sardines with me every day. Sardines are an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids and calcium, which are important for brain function and heart health. They are also one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D, which is important for bone health and the immune system. They are easy to pack, require no preparation, and fit perfectly into a carbohydrate-free diet.


Dinnertime in Split was an unexpected pleasure and a culinary revelation. After some quick searches on Google, I found that Croatia is a country known for its love of good meat. This opened up a world of possibilities for my carb-free diet, as I found several restaurants serving everything from succulent tomahawks to grass-fed entrecote.

1.3 kilogram steak

The first night, I headed to a place known for its tomahawks, and ordered a large 1.3 kilogram piece. The waiter was quite surprised when I said I was going to eat it all myself. But after a day of sun, sea and minimal carbohydrates, I was ready for a hearty dinner.

Double rib steak

For the next two nights, I decided to try entrecote from Argentinian grass-fed beef. And what an experience it was! The meat was perfectly cooked and every bite melted on the tongue. So delicious was it, that I’m actually considering going back to Split, just to experience the amazing taste of that entrecote again.

So, despite a no-carb diet, I found I could enjoy some of the most amazing meals I’ve ever had. It really is possible to have an exquisite culinary experience while adhering to a strict restrictive dietary regimen.

Is it recommended?

When you make a decision to drastically change your diet, it’s natural to ask the question: Is it worth it? And even more, is it something I would recommend to others? Having experienced it myself, I can say that the answer is a resounding yes.

Clear thoughts, more energy and feeling good

To start, let’s look at the benefits. First and foremost, there are the health benefits. I experienced an increase in my energy levels, a clarity of thought, and an overall sense of wellbeing that I hadn’t felt in a long time when I started eating zero carbs. I slept better, my skin looked better and I had constant energy all day on vacation.

Weird questions and a little planning

Of course, as with everything, there are some downsides. You need to be prepared to plan and adapt. It can be difficult to find suitable food in all restaurants, and you may get some strange looks when you order a double entrecote without a side dish. But I found that these small challenges were a small price to pay for the benefits I was getting and didn’t find it difficult to stay away from carbs.

Is it for you?

So who would I recommend this lifestyle to? Well, I think it can be useful for anyone who is concerned about their health and is willing to make changes to improve it. It is particularly useful for those struggling with energy levels, focus, weight issues, and other health problems that can be improved through diet. But as with everything, it’s important to do your own research, and perhaps consult a health professional, before making any major changes to your diet.

Overall, I’m very happy with my choice to stick to a zero-carb diet, even on vacation. And is there anything I would recommend? Absolutely. It has not only improved my health, but it also enhanced my vacation experience in ways I didn’t expect.

Tips for sticking to your principles on vacation

Following a carbohydrate-free diet on vacation requires some preparation and willpower, but it’s definitely doable! Here are some tips I’ve gathered from my own experience.

  • Planning and preparation: This is the key to success. Before you travel, do some research on your destination. Are there restaurants that offer carb-free options? Are there any foods you should avoid? If you’re staying in a hotel, you may be able to request a fridge in your room to store your own food. Carry essentials like I did with Ghee – it can be a lifesaver.
  • Dealing with social situations and temptations: It can be challenging to explain to family and friends why you’re opting out of the bread or potatoes. Be clear about your decision and provide a simple explanation. Most people will respect your choice. When it comes to temptation, keep your health goals in mind and think about how you’ll feel afterwards.
  • Adaptation to local foods and dishes: Each destination has its own unique food culture. Try to find local dishes that are in line with your dietary principles. In my case, I found that Croatia had a great selection of quality meats, which made it easy to maintain my carb-free diet.

Maintaining a carbohydrate-free diet on vacation is not only possible, but can also improve your overall vacation experience by boosting your energy levels and wellbeing. With a little planning, preparation and willpower, you can enjoy your vacation while staying true to your health and dietary goals.

Was it worth it?

After spending the holidays on a strict carbohydrate-free diet, it’s time for the big question: Was it worth it? The answer, for me, is an unconditional yes.

Let’s start with the physical effects. I experienced a noticeable increase in my energy levels. I woke up every morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day’s adventures. I had constant energy throughout the day, without the usual afternoon slump. And best of all? I felt lighter, both physically and mentally.

But the effects went beyond the physical. Maintaining my carbohydrate-free diet on vacation gave me a sense of mastery and control. I felt proud to be able to stick to my health goals, even in tempting surroundings.

Enjoy every meal without being tired or bloated

And then there’s the vacation experience. Believe it or not, I actually felt that my carb-free lifestyle enhanced my vacation. I could explore and experience Split without feeling tired or bloated. I enjoyed every meal, without worrying about carbs. And you know what? I didn’t miss the carbs at all.

Continue without carbs?

So, will I continue with this diet in the future? Absolutely. I’ve seen and felt the benefits and I’m ready to continue this journey. Should I go back to Split for another round of the delicious entrecote? You bet!

Sticking to a carbohydrate-free diet on vacation was not only doable, but it was also incredibly rewarding. I’m so glad I made the decision to give it a try and I’m excited to see where this journey will take me next.


To summarize, maintaining a zero-carb diet on vacation was an experience that exceeded my expectations. It was not only doable, but it actually enhanced my vacation in ways I didn’t expect. Increased energy, better sleep, delicious meals, and a sense of wellbeing and empowerment – all came as part of the package.

If you’ve been considering trying a carbohydrate-free diet, or if you’re already following one and wondering if you can keep it up on vacation, I’d encourage you to give it a go. You might be surprised how it can improve not only your health, but also your vacation experience.

Have you tried low-carb or zerocarb on vacation?

And to those of you who have already tried it, I’d love to hear about your experiences. How has it affected you? How have you dealt with the challenges? What have you learned? Share your story – you never know who you might inspire.

Finally, remember that we all have the power to take control of our own health and wellbeing. It may require some changes, and there will certainly be challenges along the way. But believe me, the journey is worth it. And you are absolutely worth it.

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